The big picture

Submitted by Josh Nielsen on Wed, 2017-06-07 00:00

This was a thoughtful post made in 2016 on a NG site worth sharing here. Perhaps you've seen it.

I'm enjoying all the introspection and insite everyone is sharing. Arlen, loved the reminiscing. I spent some time this evening overlooking the city, Portneuf and the surrounding area reflecting on your posts, education, resource management, and environmental protection, jobs and related topics. It is such a balancing act. On the way up the road was blocked by some deer. At the saddle I had to carefully maneuver around a fire pit full of burned nails and glass to park to take some pictures, on public land that was not easily accessible as there were occasional signs marking sections as private and no trespassing. On the way down there was a young moose in the road and further down a group of free range cattle had taken up residency in my path. No worries! I grew up with moose in my backyard in Alaska. Used to run into them on the way to and from school, and I eat cows, so both are a part of my life. I love that we are doing a better job these days at managing both, while attempting to beautify our city and make the river cleaner. The fire pit and nails in the middle of the road have to go, however. Pictures are of Pocatello, Portneuf terminus, Kinport peak, and looking towards Bannock peak. More to come tomorrow.


flan7622's picture

You have called two beautiful places home over the years Josh!

Josh Nielsen's picture

I certainly can't complain. Thanks for your comments. The workshop and it's members are blessed to have you instructing and helping out. Love your drive. Great week.

Dani Summerill's picture

Thanks for this post and the pics Josh.  I've been putting off tasks in and around the house with the knowledge that I would get to them once school was out.  I just realized I've spent too much time doing that this week and not getting out to enjoy and appreciate our local surroundings. I can get those silly tasks done another time, they aren't going anywhere.  However, who knows what I've missed in our natural world by not leaving the house.  Time for a hike!

Josh Nielsen's picture

Get out Dani! The silly tasks can wait. Except that one thing... Can't remember now that my body has the right amount of vitamin D and there's wind blowing through my hair and sun on my face, cool water running through my fingers and beef jerky in my mouth - and blisters on my feet from the strenuous hike. Ok, not the blisters. Get out! 

Maria Wilson's picture

 Josh thank you for putting into words the things that are in my heart.   Dani  also speaks my truth.  Being a digital learner is educational and motivating but I need to put away my electronics and wander outside to find peace. 

 May the MILES program continue to find ways to strengthen and protect our native  home 

“Everyone needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike.” ~ John Muir, 1869

Josh Nielsen's picture

Love the quote! How are you Maria? You're so right about finding peace. I am too busy sometimes to really get back to the things I love the most: family and being outdoors. Ich will heraus! 

Lora Hughes's picture

We really do live in a beautiful state and Pocatello has a lot of future potential. The key is to enjoy life now, but teach us to think about future generations as we make our decisions about how ecosystems will be preserved as we prepare to inter mingle with them more.

Josh Nielsen's picture

Thanks for all your super words. So thankful to work with outstanding , thoughtful people. Cheers! 

Jay Millan's picture

Moose in Poke? Really?! Had a few encounters with them inWyoming and when I lived in AK but not Pocatello!