Day 4!

Submitted by Rebecca Jackson on Thu, 2017-06-08 00:00

We've made it today 4 and still having a good time! I hope the digi learners are enjoying what has been posted so far. I'll post some pics later today. We'll be at ISU's McCammon Pond at 2 locations today. We're having a bio-blitz where we load as much as we can into inaturalist within a 24 hour period.



Carla Hansen's picture

It has been great getting to see all the things you have all been uploading on inaturalist!  This is a great resource and fun to use while out in nature. Keep the pictures coming!

Laureen Kinnaman's picture

I hope you're enjoying your week, and I'm so glad you get to participate this year! I love how the Adventure Learning pulls biology and geology together--they really cannot be taught completely seperately, anyway.