Hey, look! I'm a scientist!

Submitted by Darcy Hale on Mon, 2017-06-05 00:00

I went for the most basic probe.  It's my first time measuring and collecting river/water data.  I'll be in charge of measuring the Portneuf's temperature this week.


flan7622's picture

I'm looking forward to seeing you collect data this week!

Darcy Hale's picture

@Edson Fichter and today's Portneuf River temperature is 17.1* C.  Spied a small crustacean, as well(too speedy for a photo).  


Dani Summerill's picture

Good job Darcy!  It was interesting to take data from all the different locations last year so I'm glad you will be doing the same this year.  I think you will be pleased with what you learn this week and I can't wait to see some of your fabulous photography on your blog:)