Tuesday's 3 take home points.

Submitted by Anne Koski on Wed, 2017-06-07 00:00

I should have written this post yesterday, because I'm already forgetting details, but I want to quickly record what stood out to me on Tuesday.  First, the concept of inverted topography.  Basalt flows into the lowlands, but since it is harder than the surounding areas, over time as erosion occurs around the basalt flows, those areas become highlands.  Secondly, I had no idea that most (and sometimes all) of the portneuf is diverted into the canal system, and then is regenerated by springs and snow melt for the downstream half.  And lastly I was pleased to learn that the city funded a scientific study looking at turbidity changes over a years time span in many different spots along the river.  The data suggests that there are non-point sources of silt and the researcher has specific suggestions to improve the clarity of the river.  This excited me, because progress is being made towards improving the river.


flan7622's picture

Thanks for sharing Anne! I wonder if your students are aware of the channel or not.